SamulNori, the global brand of Korea
Living legend of SamulNori
Beating arts, Korean percussion “Nong-Ak”.
From generation to generation, Korean ancestors could not call a holidays or party, if it was not accompanied by Nong-Ak. 4 best skilled-artists of Nong-Ak take Kwaenggwari, Jing, Janggu, Puk (4types of drum) and form the SamulNori, invented
by Kim DukSoo. Kim DukSoo introducted SamulNori with Lee GwangSu, Kim Yong-
Bae, and Choi JongSil, in February 1978.
Since then, he has led the pioneering role to promote GugAk (Korean Traditional Music) worldwide. Kim is the living legend of SamulNori, and a national treasure
that links the past, present and vision of Korean percussion music.
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